Information is both a fundamental aspect of Nature and also of our human knowledge of Nature. This realization, combined with modern computer power and Big Data availability, has driven a resurgence of interest in the topic of Information Theory and its application in the Geo, Earth, Ecological, and Environmental Sciences.
We can use information theory to extract understanding from observatory data, infer causality and feedback in complex dynamical systems, and formally test our models and hypotheses. This website is a hub for the emerging community of practice for Information Theory in the Geosciences (and related disciplines).
The Schneeferner Workshop – 2023
September 10-14, 2023, Zugspitze, Germany
Information Theory as a Bridge Across the Geosciences and Modeling Sciences
Combining knowledge from theory and learning-from-data is currently seen as the most promising paradigm for Geoscientific progress. Further, the growing understanding that information is fundamental to how we encode our understanding of reality has rekindled interest in how Information Theoretic principles can be implemented in the Geociences.
This workshop built upon a series of successful workshops and summer schools entitled “Information Theory and the Earth Sciences” that we have previously held at the Schneefernerhaus (Germany 2016) and Santander (Spain 2018, 2019), as well as numerous conference sessions at AGU and EGU.